Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I love joining Joyce From This side of the pond to participate in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. It’s just list of random questions that we answer. It kind of helps us get to know each other a little better.

1. What impresses you? 

Actual Godly men!

2.  Where are you in your family birth order? Do you fit the stereotype of that particular slot? In what way?

I’m the oldest of three girls. I have always been the “mother hen”. But lately I reverted to being the baby! LOL!

3. What motivates you more-a reward or a consequence? Elaborate. 

I would say consequence. I DO NOT want consequences!

4. May 14th is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Who thinks biscuits deserve their own day? Do you like biscuits? Make your own? Grab one for breakfast at a drive-through now and then? Which drive-through makes the one you like best? What do you like to put on a biscuit? What’s your favorite food or dish that calls for buttermilk? 

Love biscuits of any kind but that’s a lot of bread. I like them with butter and apple butter. I used to make all our bread from scratch, including our biscuits. My red velvet cake calls for buttermilk. I haven’t made that in years either.

5. Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? What’s your favorite part of a wedding/wedding reception? 

No, no wedding plans that I am invited to. My uncles grandson is getting married next weekend I believe.

6. Insert your own random thought here.   ALL the joy in my life! Linda will be 1 year old next month! My how time flies!

Journaling my abundant life

Journaling my abundant life

Today is Monday May 13, 2024

Outside today – It’s a gloomy cloudy 65 degree morning. Not wonderful for my mood! LOL!

I’m thinking – It’s hard to be a part of this blog world when I don’t really know what each day holds. There is nothing to actually look forward to. I don’t make plans. I don’t have friends. I don’t see my family. Wow, that sounds really bad! Which is why I started seeing my therapist again. Its’ been almost six months since I saw him last. (if you haven’t read my About Me page you should check it out to get some history… if you want to.)

One of my favorite things – reading the Chronological Bible. It brings be peace in my unstable world.

I’m wearing – turquoise long sleeve blouse, jeans and white puma sneakers.

I’m reading(read)/Watching(watched)/Listening to – The Chronological Bible and on my Kindle a book by Amy Matayo, They Call Her Dirty Sally.

I’m praying – for a blogger friends, Uncle with cancer, coworkers with cancer in their families, relationships that I need to cultivate, my mental health, and as always me and Dan!

A moment from my day – DAILY!


Closing notes – This is what I posted in my last journal… “Dan and I are looking into a bigger condo in the complex where we currently have our condo. Our current condo is a one bedroom. It is bigger than our current tiny space living conditions but not a lot. We are also considering property in Mississippi. When he retires in January we are hoping to make a move… Praying for peace at which we should do.”

With Dan, things change daily. I am not hoping or planning on any of what I posted last time. Sorry to be a downer here but when you are tied to a narcissist things don’t always go the way you think they might.

I know I still have an abundant life just waiting for me to embrace it… fear of what to do has me slightly paralyzed right now.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I love joining Joyce From This side of the pond to participate in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. It’s just list of random questions that we answer. It kind of helps us get to know each other a little better.

1. Mayday! Mayday!…when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate. 

When I was car shopping I called Dan for help! I hate car shopping and I don’t like to make decisions anymore… Just not good at it. He helped me by talking me through the three that I had picked out and helped me decide on the one I got.

2. May Day…when was the last time you danced? Do you have a lot of baskets? What’s something you keep in a basket? What’s your favorite purple flower? 

It’s been a lot of years. I don’t dance.

Laundry baskets are the only baskets that I have. I have dirty laundry in them.

Purple flower?…hmmm. I like petunias.

3. What’s something you may do this month? 

We are going to condo shop.

4. Do you like eggplant? Quick topic changes lol? If you said yes in answer to the eggplant question how do you like yours prepared? Of the following purple foods, which one is your favorite…plums, purple carrots, purple asparagus, eggplant, acai berries, blackberries, purple cauliflower, elderberries, purple potatoes, or passion fruit? 

Eggplant… it’s ok. Definitely not something I shop for or prepare myself.

5. The calendar turns on Hodgepodge Day…

“Then you have to remember to be thankful; but in May one simply can’t help being thankful that they are alive, if for nothing else.”-L.M. Montgomery

Tell us one thing you’re thankful for today. 

I’m thankful today that I did not purchase that house I put an offer on. It was really good to know that Dan didn’t really want me to move.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have not picked up any knitting in over a week. Dan has actually asked me to help him with some projects! That makes me happy! Then I spent the weekend in Kansas City with my little sister helping her move. So I guess you could say I have been kind of busy. Back to knitting… I have some yarns that I want to make something out of and I still have that cardigan going.

I hope the rest of your week is WONDERFUL!

Journaling my abundant life

Journaling my abundant life

Today is Monday April 29, 2024. The last Monday of April!

Outside today – It’s a cloudy morning after a very stormy night.

I’m thinking – about the near future… Things keep changing. Dan expressed he didn’t want me to move out so I am still in our tiny space making it work.

One of my favorite things – Talking to Jesus. He is my closest dearest friend.

I’m wearing – blue jeans, light sweater and hey dudes.

I’m reading(read)/Watching(watched)/Listening to – My Chronological Bible reading. That has been about it!

I’m praying – for a blogger friends, Uncle with cancer, coworkers with cancer in their families, aunt that eye surgery this past week, relationships that I need to cultivate, and as always me and Dan!

A moment from my day – After helping my sister unload the last POD at her new house on Saturday we went for pedicures. It felt so good after all those steps!


Closing notes – Dan and I are looking into a bigger condo in the complex where we currently have our condo. Our current condo is a one bedroom. It is bigger than our current tiny space living conditions but not a lot. We are also considering property in Mississippi. When he retires in January we are hoping to make a move… Praying for peace at which we should do.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I love joining Joyce From This side of the pond to participate in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. It’s just list of random questions that we answer. It kind of helps us get to know each other a little better.

1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed?  With Dan I never make plans because I never know what he may want to do at the last possible second. I feel like I live in a state of disappointment. I know that sound ridiculous but I am working on changing this situation.

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you? I would be a “1”. Whatever comes up that’s what I do.

1= I go where the wind takes me  

10=I’ve got a power point on it, no matter what it is

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what’s your plan for not having a plan lol?  No, no menu plan here either. Dan doesn’t eat much because he is constantly dieting. I don’t cook or eat myself most nights.

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don’t have a list, what is one thing you’d add to a list if you did? Yes I’m going to make you think about it. Again, NO… no bucket list. I have always just done whatever “everyone else” wants to do. Never given much thought to doing anything different. I am an introvert so I am very content just staying home.

5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets…which ‘bucket’ idiom applies to your life in some way currently? Probably cry buckets.  I cry at the drop of hat with all the things that I have to contemplate (Pray about).

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Dan and I have decided that we are going to try “being together but apart”. This tiny space living is not good on our relationship at the moment. I have put an offer on a new construction home in the town next to where we currently live. It is also where I have lived all my life, where one of my daughters lives, and closer to my work. I am praying now that this situation works for us or we just “figure it out”.

Journaling my abundant life

Journaling my abundant life

Today is Monday April 22, 2024

Outside today – It is a beautiful sunny day however the temperatures have taken a turn for the worse. I woke to 34 degrees! It will quickly warm up to 70 this today.

I’m thinking – about buying my own home. It will be a good arrangement for Dan and I. At least for this season we are in.

One of my favorite things – The sun on my face! Though the temps weren’t up to my standards this weekend the sunshine was!

I’m wearing – Grey leggings with a pink blouse and grey Hey Dudes.

I’m reading(read)/Watching(watched)/Listening to – I’m reading the Chronological Bible and Summer at the Scottish Castle. We have been watching Newsmax. Keeping an eye on Israel. I have been listening to SonLife Broadcast Network on the radio.

I’m praying – for a blogger friend with diabetes and mobility issues, Uncle with cancer, my relationship with Dan (direction), coworkers with cancer in their families, our son to return to Jesus, Israel, President Trump and our country.

In my kitchen – should I just remove this prompt? Another week of nothingness! LOL! I did cook breakfast Saturday morning. Bacon and egg sandwiches.

Post Script – This is where I learned to knit my socks! The easiest tutorial I have found!

A moment from my day – well, my sock fits. It was my first one so it is not very attractive. I have put the socks down and picked up the cardigan though. I need to put in some time on it while I find an easy sock pattern for sock yarn…


Closing notes – I’m done obsessing over socks! LOL!



Friday’s Fave Five

Friday’s Fave Five

Joining Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to share five of my favorite things from this week.

1 – Sunday we made a whirl wind trip down to the condo. It’s just over an hour each way. We wanted to install a new driver seat in the boat. Dan likes to sit up so he can see over the windshield. This was a success with very little difficulty. I was holding my breath the entire time. You know those kind of tasks? LOL!

2 – Monday we got our new patio poured. I can’t wait to get the landscaping, privacy fence on two sides and get it set up a little to enjoy sitting outside. I think this is going to be a bit… LOL!


3 – A cleaned up puppy! Tuesday was grooming day for Lewey! He was over due for sure!

In the old car on the way to the groomer

Not so shaggy anymore.  Seems like all my pictures of the poor old man are sleeping! Lol!

4 – God’s word is always on time! This week I have had a few downs. Each time that I got to feeling blue about the situation of our relationship I came across a post or email devotion that was just what I needed to hear! Frustrated with unanswered prayer? (Billy Graham email devotion) God’s faithfulness is not dependent on our feelings are just a few.

5 – Answered prayer! My uncle’s cancer is only in his colon.  No other organs! I know that may not sound good to some but we count it as a blessing. Treatment will be hard but not as bad as it could be.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am joining Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for another weekly Hodgepodge. It seems to be one of the only things I am consistent with.

1. What’s a skill you think everyone should have? Hmmm, is common sense considered a skill?! LOL! No in all seriousness I believe that budgeting/finance should be something that everyone should master. This world would not be in such a state if we all knew how to budget or money better.

2. Do you have a special place or organizational system for gift wrapping? Do you still buy ‘real’ cards to send for birthdays, anniversaries, get-well, etc?  When we lived in the home that we raised our kids in I did have an organized gift wrapping station. I always had gift wrap or bags for whatever occasion. There was also a small stash of “gift” for those “in a pinch” times. Today I do still send real greeting cards. I think it makes my loved one feel a little extra special to get something in the mail.

3. It’s National Banana Day…are you a fan? What’s your favorite thing to make with bananas or, if you’re not a cook, your favorite thing to eat that contains banana?  Yes, I do like bananas if they are not OVER ripe. My favorite way to eat them is with peanut butter.

4. Do you believe in second chances? Elaborate. OH YES I DO! I am getting a second chance with my marriage and I am so thankful for it. Everyone should be extended grace at least once…maybe twice. If someone is never shown grace how will they ever know to extend grace themselves.

5. What is your idea of fun? I enjoy lots of things at different times. I like to ride the Harley or side by side with Dan. I like to go boating and dropping anchor in a cove to just relax. Then there are days that I enjoy being on the couch and knitting while watching something on television. Spending time with my little granddaughter! There’s lots of things that I consider to be fun!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Lol! Hope the rest of your week is spectacular!

Journaling my abundant life

Journaling my abundant life

Today is Monday April 14, 2024

Outside today – Sunny and beautiful. We have temps of 66 degrees this morning. Expecting it to be 88 today with storms moving in this evening. It’s spring time!

I’m thinking – How I have lacked motivation to do very much. Car shopping totally zapped me! LOL!

One of my favorite things – learning new things! I have almost completed my first sock. It is in worsted weight yarn because I needed something substantial to hold on to for my first try. It’s not beautiful but I get the gist of it now. I have a hole in the gusset and I need to learn how not to let that happen. If you have any suggestions please feel free to assist!


I’m wearing – capri jeans and a floral blouse with white Keds.

I’m reading(read)/Watching(watched)/Listening to – I’m still reading Summer at the Scottish Castle. Still focused on my Bible reading for the year and I am still wading through Numbers. This weekend we watched and listened a lot to Newsmax with all that is going on in Israel.

I’m praying – My Uncle’s cancer, co-worker family with cancer, direction in life, Dan, our children, Israel, lost family members, restoration of relationships, blogger friend with diabetes issues, and the believers to stand strong during these days.

In my kitchen – I actually made a big batch of tuna salad last night. Something light in the evenings. We don’t eat much through the week.

Post Script – I haven’t been around much this week so I don’t really have anything to share here. I visited a few of my friends over the weekend but not much else.

A moment from my day – We are getting a small patio poured outside the backdoor this morning. Hopefully the rain will stay away long enough for us to get it covered up this evening after work.


Closing notes – I got my new car. I am so glad that this task is done and that I won’t have to do it again for a very long time! I am happy with my new GMC Terrain.


I hope you all have a great week and I will get around to visit you all shortly!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joining my friend Joyce at From This Side of the Pond to share my Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Do you complete your own tax returns or hire out? Something you’ve found taxing lately? 

I complete my own. It’s pretty cut and dry. Nothing to claim. The most taxing thing I have been dealing with lately is shopping for a new car… UGH. The entire process is very TAXING!

2. It’s spring (in the northern hemisphere anyway)…would you rather spend the day hiking in the great outdoors or planting a garden? Do you/will you have a garden this year? Flowers, vegetables, or a bit of both?

These days I would Hike in the great outdoors. There was a season the planting a vegetable garden would have been my first choice but planting a garden would require care over time that I don’t have the energy for these days.

3. Do you consider yourself a patient person? In what sort of situation is patience not desirable? Are you happy with the degree of patience you have in your daily life? If not, what can you do to cultivate more of this quality in your life? 

Over all I consider myself patient. I am in a season of waiting right now which takes patience. Some days it is easier than others. When it becomes difficult I pray about it.

4. Do you like the flavor cinnamon? If so what’s your favorite something made with cinnamon? 

Yes, I like cinnamon. For some reason I relate cinnamon to fall. In the fall I love to make Pumpkin Cinnamon chip cookies. They are the BEST and most requested thing from my family!

5. Learn by watching or learn by doing? Elaborate. 

I feel that I learn best by watching and doing at the same time. Lately I have been watching different knitting videos on Youtube and practicing along at the same time.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I thought I would have my very taxing task completed this evening but it doesn’t look like it is going to happen. We are expecting storms this evening and I don’t want to be out test driving cars in the rain. Putting this off another day or two.