Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I love joining Joyce From This side of the pond to participate in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. It’s just list of random questions that we answer. It kind of helps us get to know each other a little better.

1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed?  With Dan I never make plans because I never know what he may want to do at the last possible second. I feel like I live in a state of disappointment. I know that sound ridiculous but I am working on changing this situation.

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you? I would be a “1”. Whatever comes up that’s what I do.

1= I go where the wind takes me  

10=I’ve got a power point on it, no matter what it is

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what’s your plan for not having a plan lol?  No, no menu plan here either. Dan doesn’t eat much because he is constantly dieting. I don’t cook or eat myself most nights.

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don’t have a list, what is one thing you’d add to a list if you did? Yes I’m going to make you think about it. Again, NO… no bucket list. I have always just done whatever “everyone else” wants to do. Never given much thought to doing anything different. I am an introvert so I am very content just staying home.

5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets…which ‘bucket’ idiom applies to your life in some way currently? Probably cry buckets.  I cry at the drop of hat with all the things that I have to contemplate (Pray about).

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Dan and I have decided that we are going to try “being together but apart”. This tiny space living is not good on our relationship at the moment. I have put an offer on a new construction home in the town next to where we currently live. It is also where I have lived all my life, where one of my daughters lives, and closer to my work. I am praying now that this situation works for us or we just “figure it out”.

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. I enjoyed reading your “Hodge Podge”. I am definitely a planner – at least a 9 of a 10. Sometimes it actually works out! I don’t really have a bucket list but I do have some goals and dreams. I often have to cancel plans due to my fibromyalgia or health issues. And in the winter, snow changes plans for me. I’ll keep you and Dan in my prayers and for the house you put an offer in.


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