Journaling my abundant life

Journaling my abundant life

Today is Monday April 8, 2024

Outside today – It’s a beautiful spring morning! Mostly sunny and warm. Waiting for the Eclipse!

I’m thinking – how bad I am about taking pictures in the moment.

One of my favorite things – finished projects! I finished my hat last night. The contractors finished the shouse on Friday! It looks so much nicer!


I’m wearing – blue jeans with a hoodie. Under the hoodie is a “Joyful” t-shirt! (that is a shirt that I got from Joy FM radio)

I’m reading(read)/Watching(watched)/Listening to – I’m kind of reading a book called Summer at the Scottish Castle. I only read a few pages at time because… I’m trying to catch up my Bible reading for the year. I am wading through Numbers. I have been listening to Newsmax while I knit. There really isn’t anything that I am interested in watching.

I’m praying – My Uncle’s health issues, co-worker family with cancer, direction in life, Dan, our children, Israel, and blogger friend with diabetes issues.

In my kitchen – I had some chili last night! That’s about the extent of the Kitchen. The chili was in the freezer and we thought we should use it up.

Post Script – Thinking about cutting my hair… Dan may not like that too much. But this is what I am thinking… I’ll share it with him and let him warm to the idea before I do anything drastic.

A moment from my day – Walking my old pup Lewey. He’s so old and starting to get very slow. He doesn’t really like to be away from his warm bed for very long.


Closing notes – I am looking at purchasing a new car. This is one of my least favorite things to do… car shop. Will it be this month? I think that was the Hodgepodge question. Well, it looks like it will be this month (this week) after all. More to come on this later.

I hope you all have a blessed day and enjoy viewing the Eclipse!


Friday’s Fave Five

Friday’s Fave Five

Joining up with Susanne this week at Living to Tell the Story to share some of my favorite things from the week. It’s a struggle this week since I have had a cold and been kind of down but I will give it my best shot!

1. Resurrection Sunday! I did not get to attend services at a church but I watched a service online. I also watched the Franklin Graham Easter Message from Israel. It blessed my heart!

2. Rain. In Missouri they say we have been in draught conditions. We got quite a bit of rain on Monday. Our pond has completely filled up. Now, there was some severe weather that moved through as well and many have had trees blown down. Probably some not yet discovered damages. That’s never good.

3. Knitting time. Dan worked late a couple nights this week and I took full advantage of the free time (after cleaning on the cabin) to get some knitting in.

4. Feeling better. There is nothing like feeling better after you have been feeling so awful! A couple nights of some Nyquil and I am feeling much better! Ready to get my Linda “fix”! LOL!

5. We are getting some new siding on our Shop/tiny space living… The wood siding was rotting and looked terrible. Last summer we put metal on the front and added a awning to cover the front door. Now the final three sides are being done by a contractor. Too much for Dan and I to tackle.

I hope you have a blessed weekend!




I started this Journeyman hat last night and couldn’t put it down. I love the rhythm of this pattern. I can easily watch/listen to television and knit away. The yarn is so soft and is going to knit up into a very nice hat.

I haven’t worked on my cardigan this week. We had people checkout of the cabin so we have been cleaning the last few evenings. Then I started on the hat… end of story! LOL!

That’s it. I only have two WIP at this time. How are your projects coming along?

Hope you have a blessed day!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am joining Joyce at From This Side of the Pond to answer the questions she gives us each week!

1. What’s a talent you wish you had? Playing the piano. My grandmother could play and I have wonderful memories of watching and listening to her play often.

2. In one word, what’s your state of mind right now? Foggy…? I’ve got a cold and all I think about is my stuffy achy head. UGH!

3. What’s the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year? Probably a car. No it won’t be this month but it may be this year.

4. Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day…did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What’s your favorite kind of jelly? No I didn’t celebrate PB&J Day. I like them alright but we don’t eat much bread these days. Grape would be my favorite jelly.

5. Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you? Yes, I am. Right now LIFE intimidates me. Waiting on the Lord to move in a situation that can be uncomfortable at times is intimidating. Not knowing is hard and that intimidates me. I can’t make decisions. Yes, I am intimidated by life right now.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Ugh, I wish I could turn my thoughts to things other than my congested and sneezy self. I wish I were home on the couch with a hot cup of coffee and a blanket. Would that make me feel better? Probably not but it sounds wonderful.

I hope you have a wonderful day!


Journaling my abundant life

Journaling my abundant life

Today is – Monday April 1, 2024

Outside today – It’s cloudy and we are under a severe storm watch today. I’m home sick. We came back from the lake Saturday afternoon because I needed the vaporizer and some medicine. Just a good old fashion cold. Probably got it from my girl.

I am thinking – Wow! Is it really already April?!

One of my favorite things – I looked for weeks to find something special for Linda for Easter. Something that they would keep for her for a long time. I found this little lamb that plays Jesus Loves Me.

I am creating – A cardigan for myself. I was waiting for some yarn to arrive to start this Journeymen hat. When I cast on the journeymen hat, I found that my interchangeable needles were too long. I couldn’t join in the round. What did I do? I immediately ordered my favorite set of interchangeable needles. I should have ordered them to start with. They should be here Wednesday and I will start my hat.

I am wearing – sweats and a sweatshirt. Don’t really feel like getting dressed today.


I am reading (read)/watching (watched)/listening to – I have been focused on my One Year Chronological Bible reading. Because I started it late I’m trying to get caught up.

Watching has been random. Antique road show, Open House, Tiny House Hunt… Just whatever we feel like. Of course there is always lots of Newsmax.

I am praying – Co-workers sister with cancer, Cousin with cancer, nephew to return to the Lord, Dan, a blogger friend with diabetes issues, and the joy and peace that only He can give.

I am learning – German Short rows in knitting.

In my kitchen – just quick and easy things this week. Dan is working late a few nights.

Post script – there were many wonderful Resurrection Sunday posts that I enjoyed a great deal! Here are a couple.

Stray Thoughts by Barbara

Aliens and Pilgrims by Jacob

A moment from my day – This is my new knitting bag. It holds lots of yarn and all my supplies. When I sold the house I down sized. I donated all my knitting things to a 4H group in the area. I’m starting over. I ordered some interchangeable knitting needles (cheaper than the ones I had before) and I’m not happy with them. So, I ordered up the same kind I had before.

Closing notes – Despite not feeling the best yesterday, I lifted up my praise to the Lord for sending His Son. I would have like to gone to church but I’m sure it would not have been well received these days.

Hope you all have a blessed week!

Friday’s Fave Five

Friday’s Fave Five

I am joining Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to share some of my favorite things from the week!

  1. More time with my precious Linda. Getting to sit with her is a rare thing so I am always happy when I am called on.

2. Yard work! The weather was good enough on Saturday that we cut out some brush around the yard. All that green under the trees is gone.


3. Knitting progress! I have purchased some essentials for knitting… needles, yarn, tote (was supposed to arrive Tuesday but the package arrived empty). I got my cardigan started. It’s coming along nicely. I was worried about the German short rows that I had never done but the direction was very easy to follow. This is a top down cardigan (my favorite way to knit sweaters) that I found on Ravelry. Side note if you know: I wish I could figure out how to put a Ravelry button on my sidebar…

Knitting progress

4. Holy Week – I’ve done a lot of great reading on many blogs concerning this extremely important and very HOLY week of a Christian. Some have made me sad because there is no mention of what our Savior did for us. Only bunnies and candy. For the most part though my heart sang with joy at all the praise lifted up for His ultimate sacrifice. Praise the Lord it doesn’t end on this Good Friday. Resurrection Day is coming!

I almost bought this for my little Linda but thought I would wait until she is older and understands it.

5. Today we are at the condo at the lake. It’s a beautiful day in the Ozarks! We will be taking the boat out for the first time this season. I’ll have pictures later! LOL!

On the way to the lake
From our deck

Having my coffee and Bible reading time. I hope you have a blessed good Friday.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Good morning!  I am joining up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for this fun weekly meme.

1.What do you love about your life right now?  I love that the Lord is drawing me close to Him.  Life may not be what I had always dreamed it would be but He is seeing me through.  Almost every day He uses someone to give me a scripture of encouragement.  The one I recently used to “rebrand” my blog keeps coming up in so many places!  I love how He works.

2. March 26th is National Spinach Day…are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours prepared/served?  As a kid my grandmother served canned spinach with vinegar… YUCK!  Sour and slimy are the words that come to mind.  But I do like fresh spinach in my salads or on a sandwich.

3. In this current season would you say you need to spend more time looking inward or that you need to get out of your head? Tell us why.  In this season of the restoration of my marriage I am leaning heavily on my Lord, I have to get out of my head.  My mind takes me down rabbit trails that I don’t need to be on.  I am looking to Him and not myself.

4. Are you following the ‘March Madness’ madness? (That’s US college basketball in case you’re out of the loop) What’s something that feels like actual madness to you right now?  No I do not follow sports. Nothing against anyone who does but I feel like it is a waste of my time.  Actual madness right now is how this world is coming against Israel.   They have a right to defend themselves.

5. How will you celebrate the Easter/Passover holiday this year? Easter this year will be a quiet day at the condo.  I will spend time reflecting on the awesomeness of this Holyday and relaxing in His presence.  Then we will tidy up the condo and head home.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Contemplating the significance of this Holy Week. I usually watch The Passion of the Christ but I don’t think my heart can take it this year.